BSK Theological Seminary provides advanced theological studies and resources churches in their missions and ministries.

Dr. Adams serves as the Director of Institutional Design for BSK and we frequently host guests from this institution.


Olive Branch Ministries

“Transitioning families and individuals from crisis to wholeness by sharing the peace of Christ’s presence.”

This is a ministry led by CBF missionary, and friend of Living Faith, Scarlett Jasper, reaching one of the poorest regions in the US. They organize the annual Christmas box ministry.

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

“The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is a Christian network of individuals and churches working together to spread the hope of Christ. Our diverse community includes partners all over the globe, and our fellowship supports a wide range of missions and ministries that give people meaningful opportunities to put their faith into action.”

While Living Faith is officially a non-denominational Baptist church, we affiliate with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, including their local and global missions.

Little Free Pantry

“The mini pantry movement is a grassroots, crowdsourced solution to immediate and local need. Whether a need for food or a need to give, mini pantries help feed neighbors, nourishing neighborhoods.”

Grace’s Grocery, which we support through funding and active participation, is a part of this ministry.

CBF Kentucky

The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Kentucky is a fellowship of churches and individuals in Kentucky that helps churches partner with each other and other organizations that share similar philosophies and goals; provides resources for churches and individuals to aid in their work; and encourages involvement in missions and ministries from local communities to globally.

Together for Hope

We have a vision for a world where all people have access to food, housing, education, healthcare, meaningful work and a sustainable income. Our mission is working with others to make that vision a reality.

The Episcopal Diocese of Lexington

While we are not affiliated with the Episcopalian Church, our partners at Grace Episcopal are affiliated with this diocese, which sometimes shapes and shares our missions.

The Way of Mission

The Way of Mission is something we practice each day, and though we never perfect it, it is always shaping our lives. The Way of Mission gives us ideas for how to practice missions daily, from subtle activities like mowing someone’s lawn to going on missions trips for others far away. Wherever your comfort zone is, The Way of Mission teaches us we can all make a difference.

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