If you’ve been attending worship lately, you already know that we are looking to host a Fall Discipleship Event. It is very important for as many people to participate in this event as possible, so we have a couple of ideas that seem to be fitting us best. Please consider which of the following study formats would best fit you and assign them a preference based on your order of preference. In every case, we are thinking about meeting at our worship location and sharing the sessions online via Google Meets for those who cannot physically attend and we encourage everyone to invite anyone from outside the church who they think might be interested in participating. We are looking to have 4 of these events, based on readings from the book The Evolution of Faith: How God is Creating a Better Christianity.

1. We offer this as a regular “Sunday School” event at 9:00 on 4 Sunday mornings. (We can talk about some breakfast snacks if we go this route.)

2. We offer this after church on 4 Sundays, preferably with a shared lunch.

3. We offer this on a weeknight, with Wednesday being the obvious choice since we already have a scheduled meeting.

Please enter your preferences for a meeting format here. Once we have decided on a format, we will follow up with a potential set of dates, but we’re starting with the assumption that the study will mostly take place between mid-October and mid-November.

Thank you for considering participating in this study with us.