
Thank you for your patience as we work to better live into our space with Grace Episcopal Church.  As you may have noticed, we have changed our worship style from a “studio experience” for those who wish to participate remotely, to a combination of sanctuary worship with a live audience and a broadcast. Technology brings us closer while allowing people who may never physically visit a chance to participate, but faith is about growth and change, so we will change things as we adapt to our location and the needs of the community. Check our FaceBook page as we participate in shared experiences with Grace.

Previous Events

Fall Church Study

Fall Church Study

If you’ve been attending worship lately, you already know that we are looking to host a Fall Discipleship Event. It is very important for as many people to participate in this event as possible, so we have a couple of ideas that...

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Discipleship Reading Group

Discipleship Reading Group

This summer, we want to encourage our congregation to engage in developing their personal discipleship. Toward that end, we are starting regular meetings to discuss the works of Phillip Gully, starting with the book Front Porch...

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Living Faith Church Holiday Podcast

Living Faith Church Holiday Podcast

Welcome to the Living Faith Church Holiday Podcast, hosted by David Adams and Kathy Blankenship. Please check our Facebook page for further information about how to access this podcast via the usual podcasting services. This is...

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Introduction to the Bible Course

Introduction to the Bible Course

This summer, we want to encourage our congregation to engage in a deeper study of the Bible. Toward that end, we are working with the Flourish Center at Baptist Seminary of Kentucky to offer the Introduction to the Bible course...

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Dinner on the Grounds

Dinner on the Grounds

June 6, 2021 marks our return to unrestricted live worship at our new location. In honor of the day, we are celebrating with a spaghetti dinner after the morning service. Please watch for more news and announcements as we look...

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